Maintenance guide
Tires & wheels
Make sure your wheels and brakes are fully cooled down before starting any wash procedure. Pressure wash the wheel and wheel-arches first to remove a maximum of debris. Spray heavily Q2M Iron WheelCleaner on the entire wheel and let it sit for 3 to 4 min but don’t let it dry. Brush-on the solution with our Q2M WheelBrush or the brush of your choice.
Make sure your vehicle is fully cooled down before starting any wash procedure.
We recommend the use of Q2M Bug&Grime on all surfaces where bug splatter or heavy/oily road films can be found. If you have access to a foam lance, fill it with Q2M Foam (dilution of 1:5 to 1:15) and spray heavily on your vehicle from bottom to top.
Let it sit for 3 to 4 minutes to loosen all dirt and debris off your paintwork. Rinse heavily. Check if your vehicle is now dirt and debris-free before going to the next step.
Wash & decontamination
Use the 2 bucket method. Fill both buckets with 10L of water and pour 15ML of
Q2M RestartWash in one of them. Start washing your vehicle from top to bottom
in straight line motion. Use either the
Q2M Smoothie or Q2M WashPad. Rinse your mitt after each panel. Do not let the shampoo dry. Rinse heavily.
Every 3 months we recommend a chemical decontamination procedure.
Spray Q2M Iron on a cool and damp vehicle, let it dwell but do not let sit to dry. Rinse heavily. Inspect & re-apply if necessary.
Continue your wash with either Q2M Bathe or Q2M RestartWash. Once the car is washed, spray Q2M Tar on the lower parts of the vehicle. Let it dwell for 1 to 2 minutes and rinse heavily.
Chemical decontamination will remove deep contamination embedded in your coating and it will help to restore initial hydrophobicity.
Soft protection
To boost hydrophobicity and gloss during your wash routine you can exchange Q2M Bathe with Q2M Bathe+, a SiO2 based, hydrophobic shampoo.

Use a Q2M SilkDryer or Q2M WaffleDryer, dry your vehicle paintwork from top to bottom in a straight motion.
Do not apply pressure while drying on your paintwork.
Use separate dedicated drying towels for your paintwork, wheels & lower parts to dry them safely and effectively. Towels used for rims, should never be used on paint.
Wash all accessories after each use. Use Q2M TowelWash to maintain your towels and wash mitts in perfect conditions.